Our flow cytometry facility has two cytometry systems:
- BD FACSAria Cell Sorting System
- BD FACSCalibur System
These multipurpose flow cytometers are capable of both cell analysis and cell sorting. They are fully integrated multi-parameter systems for multi-parameter data acquisition and analysis.
BD FACSAria Cell Sorting System
Our high speed FACSAria cell sorter features the following:
- Three air-cooled lasers at 488-nm (blue), 633-nm
(red), and 405-nm (violet) wavelengths
- Digital acquisition rates of up to 70,000
- Multicolor analysis for up to 9 parameters
- Two- and four-way bulk sorting devices for a variety
of tube sizes
- Optional Automated Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) for
sorting to BD™ multiwell plates or microscope slides
- BD™ Aerosol Management Option System
BD FACSCalibur System
Our FACSCalibur features the following:
- Dual lasers
- Four-color fluorescence capability
- BD FACStationTM System Data Management System
- Flexible and modular for future upgrades
Flow Cytometry Facility Services
- - Cell sorting (full performance, training/assisted
performance) - - All FACS applications listed above (full performance,
training/assisted performance, user performance) - - Guide/help researches set up experiments,
experimental template (plots, gating) for flow studies
Core Procedures: Cell Sorting

Jenny Zhao, the Core Director.