The Wellman Center's creative and dedicated research faculty has a well-documented history of leading edge contributions in photomedicine, many of which have been translated to innovative clinical applications. Scientifically, we are well poised to continue this tradition.
And, as an interested individual you can help.
A gift to the Wellman Center for Photomedicine supports the discovery, understanding, and application of new diagnostic and therapeutic uses of light in biomedicine. Your gift helps us work towards life-changing breakthroughs in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, birth defects, infections, wounds & trauma, and blindness. Your gift helps us improve health and quality of life.
For information about how you can contribute to the work of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine you may contact directly , Wellman's Director of Finance (617-726-0812), or in the MGH Development Office (617-726-9234).
Or you may click on the How to Donate button at the bottom of this page. This will take you directly to a secure page on the Massachusetts General Hospital’s web site where you can make a donation earmarked for use by the Wellman Center.