The Wellman Center is committed to training the next generation of photomedicine scientists as well as educating scientists in other fields and the general public about the field of photomedicine. Weekly spring seminars and fall tutorial sessions are designed to communicate cutting- edge photomedicine-related research and to engage presenters and audience in an active exchange of ideas.
Wellman scientists are involved in formal teaching courses in the graduate programs at nearby institutions including MIT, Harvard, Tufts and Northeastern. The Center has a formal affiliation with the MIT Health Sciences and Technology program (HST). Wellman faculty hold appointments in the HST program, have organized several courses and teach in others, serve on various academic committees, and recruit faculty with joint appointments.
Wellman faculty serve as mentors for pre-doctoral students conducting their thesis research in Wellman laboratories. There are currently fourteen pre-doctoral graduate students completing thesis research at Wellman. About half are supported by Wellman Center fellowships.
In conjunction with MIT, Wellman sponsors a summer training institute in biomedical optics for undergraduates and graduate students. The program is administered by Dr. Andy Yun, an Assistant Professor at the Wellman Center.