Tannous Z, Al-Arashi M, Shah S, Yaroslavsky AN. Delineating melanoma using multimodal polarized light imaging. Laser Surg Med 2009; 41(1):10-16.
Salomatina E, Yaroslavsky AN. Evaluation of the in vivo and ex vivo optical properties in a mouse ear model. Phys Med Biol 2008;53(11):2797-807.
Al-Arashi M, Salomatina E, Yaroslavsky AN. Multimodal Confocal Microscopy for the Detection of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers. Las Surg Med 2007;39(9), 696-705.
Demidova-Rice TN, Salomatina EV, Yaroslavsky AN, Herman IM, Hamblin MR. Low-level light stimulates excisional wound healing in mice. Laser Surg Med 2007;39(9):706-715.
Chan BP, Hui TY, Chan OC, So KF, Lu W, Cheung KM, Salomatina E, Yaroslavsky A. Photochemical cross-linking for collagen-based scaffolds: A study on optical properties, mechanical properties, stability, and hematocompatibility. Tissue Eng 2007;13(1):73-85.
Yaroslavsky AN, Salomatina EV, Neel V, Anderson R, Flotte T. Fluorescence polarization of tetracycline derivatives as a technique for mapping nonmelanoma skin cancers. J Biomed Opt 2007;12(1)014005-1-8.
Anderson RR, Farinelli W, Laubach H, Manstein D, Yaroslavsky AN, Gubeli J3rd, Jordan K, Neil GR, Shinn M, Chandler W, Williams GP, Benson SV, Douglas DR, Dylla HF. Selective photothermolysis of lipid-rich tissues: A free electron laser study. Lasers Surg Med 2006;38(10):913-9.
Salomatina E,Jiang B, Novak J, Yaroslavsky AN. Optical properties of normal and cancerous human skin in the visible and near infrared spectralo range. J Biomed Opt 2006;11(6)064026,1-8.
Chan BP, Amann C, Yaroslavsky AN, Title C, Smink D, Zarins B, Kochevar IE, Redmond RW. Photochemical repair of Achilles tendon rupture in a rat model. J Surg Res 2005;124(2):274-9.
Yang MU, Yaroslavsky AN, Farinelli WA, Flotte TJ, Rius-Diaz F, Tsao SS, Anderson RR. Long-pulsed neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser treatment for port-wine stains. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;52(3 Pt 1): 480-90.
Yaroslavsky A, Barbosa J, Neel V, DiMarzio C, Anderson RR. Combining multispectral polarized light imaging and confocal microscopy for localization of nonmelanoma skin cancer. J Biomed Opt 2005;10(1):14011.